Friday, September 24, 2010

The Gospel of John 1

I love this Gospel. This is the Gospel that makes my heart glow, draws me closer to my maker and savior. I love this Gospel.

The conversations recorded of Jesus in John that aren't recorded in any other Gospel are the ones that ring closest to my soul.

Of COURSE, when Jesus talks to Nicodemus at night is one of my favorite conversations in the Bible, but a quick second to Jesus speaking directly and privately to the woman at the well.

It's as if the other Gospels record Jesus from afar, yet in John Jesus is so privet and close. From the opening of the book on the Word made flesh, and on to the upper-room discourse, again and again Jesus is so close it seems a secret at first. But as you read deeper and deeper you become ensconced in the intimate friendship of Jesus and those closest to him.

The other Gospels spend so much time talking about the Kingdom of God whereas John mentions the phrase to Nicodemus but remains silent on the issue during the rest of the book. It's as if the other authors were focused on the Kingdom because of Jesus' emphasis on it, but John was so close to the the King it would have been redundant or silly to write on the Kingdom. To try and talk about the Kingdom would be a step back from the deep nature of knowing the King. So John writes, and writes beautifully about this King, this King that is so close....

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