Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why Miracles?

I love these passages that focus on the ministry of Jesus. For me it speaks to his Kingdom ministry. Not only was he proclaiming that the Kingdom of God was near, he was showing it was! In the Greek, the word used for the "nearness" of the Kingdom of God is a spatial nearness rather then a chronological time based nearness. Jesus proclaimed that the Kingdom is TANGIBLE and you can reach out and touch it!

He was proclaiming, "Hey! The Kingdom is here! If you don't believe me, here, I'll feed all 5000 of you men! (my guess is since they only counted how many men were there, that meant there were 10000 people there; probably more!). In heaven there won't be hunger, so let's touch heaven here from earth, and give food to EVERYONE and eliminate hunger in this moment where heaven touches earth.

I love how these miracles and healings are all apart of Jesus ushering the Kingdom. He doesn't only proclaim the Kingdom, he touches heaven to earth.

I love that in heaven we won't be hungry, so let's not be hungry on earth! There won't be blindness in heaven, so Jesus says "See!" There won't be paralysis in heaven, so Jesus says, "Walk!"

How does this affect life here and now? Well, I know there won't be loneliness in heaven. I see loneliness here at Fox. I see broken relationships here, it won't be so in heaven. I love this concept!!

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