Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Crucifixion of the Messiah

The Gospel passages that we were assigned to read were all about the last week of Jesus life before the crucifixion, and they all end on the crucifixion and burial. This is actually a very morbid way to end the story. I mean, I know what happens and that Jesus actually raises from the day and that a whole new story is beginning, but the disciples didn't know that. It really was morbid for that weekend, to know that Jesus who was the full and complete hope for a new Israel was dead.

I can imagine if I was one of the disciples and being with Jesus, seeing the dead be raised, the blind seeing, the lame walking, I'd feel as if I was on the brink of the NEW KINGDOM! Jesus was about to bring about the perfect kingdom of Israel where the Romans would be gone, and the line of David would be re-established but with a GREATER glory than in David's time! Yet, all that was shattered to pieces in a garden late at night. The disciples were so unaware what was about to occur that they fell asleep while Jesus was praying. In that moment in the garden, they begin to see that something was going horribly wrong (or so they thought).

Jesus suprised them out of their socks! Not that they had socks. But they didn't know that at the time. I sure am glad that there was a resurrection. Honestly if there wasn't a resurrection, there's no way that I'd be a Christian. Thanks Lord!!

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